FamilyWeb Version 1

This information is also available in Danish

Go to references for genealogy.

WorldWideWeb is a fantastic tool for presenting genealogical information.

Using these atoms, it is very easy to move around in the genealogy information.

As an example, I have described myself, my family and my dwelling in danish - and the familymembers I know of several hundred years back.

It is in Danish - but I am sure that you easily understand what the danish terms describes (or you might consult the example-pages)

It is obvious that the information can be spread among several servers.

I have by July 1., 1996 reorganized my files for the following reasons:

  1. I would like to work with the concept of several independent web-page structures in Genealogy.
  2. I have decided to exclude all descriptions of living persons (as long as the informationsociety is young)
  3. It is a challenge for the searchrobots: when will AltaVista etc. wake up and remove dead links.
After 10 months of use of this first version, I am now working on the next version, which is based more directly on the BK-data.
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Written by Jørgen Bak 20 OCT 1996.