FamilyWeb Version 2

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Based on the experience from FamilyWeb, version 1 and my review of GED2HTML I have made a more direct translation of the information in my Brothers Keeper-database. The new version do consists simply of one page for each person - supplemented by index-pages and a GENDEX-file.

The conversion has been made by translating BK groupsheets with WP5.1-macros. It is a rather simple job to write a program for the translation, more or less following the idea in GED2HTML, so if anyone can use the layout, you are invited to write the program!

I have used a small test-family for my new translation and evaluation of GED2HTML. You can look at the Anchestor Chart below. The family have been used in a

Ancestor Chart

References to the 9 person edition. The emphasized persons are excluded from the 7 person edition.
To top of this page. Information om FamilieNet / FamilyWeb
Written by Jørgen Bak 20 OCT 1996.