GED2HTML - a review
I have looked at the shareware version 2.4a of
Gene Stark's GED2HTML: A GEDCOM to HTML Translator.
My mainpoints of concern are:
- The link-structure is based on the INDI-ID's in the GEDCOM-file.
Coupled to the alphabetical grouping in sub-indices this does lock the web-structure.
An addition to the database might cause a rearrangement of all the references.
- I prefer one person on each web-page.
This is possible in GED2HTML, but it is designed for a several persons on each page, resulting in a complicated - and unstable - html-reference.
- It is a closed structure - it is not possible to automatically link to pages outside the given GED2HTML-structure.
It can offcourse be done manually after the automatic generation, but it would be a tedious job - and should be repeated after reruns of a modified GEDCOM-file.
To clarify these points I have made a small demonstration based on 7 and 9 persons.
For each of these I have made a single-file and a single-person GED2HTML-translation.
The Index and Anchestor Chart below are taken from the 9 person single-file version.
The two emphasized persons are excluded from the 7 person structure. Thats the wife and a child of Jørgen Jensen Friis.
They are the last two persons in the 9 person GEDCOM-file
and offcourse not present in the 7 person GEDCOM-file.
The single-file versions (
7 and
) have been produced with the standard-settings of GED2HTML,
whereas the single-person versions (
7 and
) have been produced with:
- 1 individual per file (as I prefer)
- 4 files per directory (resulting in to and three directories)
- 3 max. index width (resulting in three indices)
- 2 pedigree depth (default)
In this small example, the single-file versions are acceptable.
The people are closely related so it is not too confusing to have them in one long row.
But even here I do prefer a single-person solution - BUT...
As you can see from the Index of Persons, Louise Marie Friis is placed as number 5 in the version with 9 persons.
This changes the references for the rest of the list. E.g. Cathrine Elisabeth Hauge is moved from the reference
../d0002/g0000005.htm#I7 to
This is rather confusing - especially if someone will reference a specific web-page.
A robot, indexing the site, will return erronoeus information after such a restructuring operation.
I will also mention two minor points:
- A proper genealogy-database have an extensive list of references.
As far as I can see, this will result in a huge SOURCES.HTM in GED2HTML.
- PC-users should be aware of the character set. GED2HTML (and WWW) assumes the Latin-1 character set,
so you should translate your GEDCOM-file if you are using an IBM-charset (allthough the GEDCOM have a CHAR-descriptor in the header).
I have done that for the 9-person case, but not for the 7-person case.
Finally I have produced my own translation of the BK-data for the 9 persons, I have used here.
You are welcome to have a look at FamilyWeb, version 2
Index of Persons
Bodil Kjestine FRIIS
- __.__.1855
Jacob Jensen FRIIS
- __.__.1902
Jørgen Jensen FRIIS
- 30.05.1975
Jørgen Jensen FRIIS
- __.__.1872
Louise Marie FRIIS
- 30.08.1987
Cathrine Elisabeth HAUGE
- __.__.1861
Kjestine Marie HAUGE
- __.__.1931
Mads Jensen HAUGE
- __.__.1889
Inger Sophie KROGH
- 11.08.1965
Ancestor chart
_Jørgen Jensen FRIIS ______
_Jacob Jensen FRIIS ___|
| |_Bodil Kjestine FRIIS _____
_Jørgen Jensen FRIIS _|
| | _Mads Jensen HAUGE ________
| |_Kjestine Marie HAUGE _|
| |_Cathrine Elisabeth HAUGE _
|--Louise Marie FRIIS
| ___________________________
| _______________________|
| | |___________________________
|_Inger Sophie KROGH __|
| ___________________________
To top of this page. Information om FamilieNet / FamilyWeb
Written by Jørgen Bak
20 OCT 1996.